Sunday, April 18, 2010

Faucet is in plumbing is done

1) Sink Drain
2) Dish Washer Drain
Water Feeds:
1) Hot water Sink
2) Hot water dishwasher
3) Cold water Sink
4) Cold water ice maker
Faucet is in, soap dispenser is in. Need a back splash and window trim.
Tip :When sweating pipes if you stuff bread in the main feed pipes it will hold the water back and allow you to heat the fittings with out the water drawing the heat away from what you are sweating. Once the fittings are united the bread will flush out.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Granite is Installed

The kitchen is almost done.

To Do List:

Hookup Sink feed

Hookup Sink drain

Hookup Dishwasher

Hookup water feed to fridge

Install back splash

Paint Walls & Ceiling

Paint windows

Install Base Trim

Install Crown Trim

Refinish & Install radiator covers

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bathroom Progress

A few things left to do in here and the bathroom will be done.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Doorway enlargement in progress

Needs some trim and the closet door to be installed.

This is what the doorway looked like when we moved in. The new doorway is much larger.

Temporary shade upgraded with better temporary shade

Swapped out the black sheet with the 4$ temporary shade I got from Home Depot.

500 Lbs of Iron :: FOR SALE ::

For scrap or for use.... Needs to be cleaned if used. 220$ or best offer..
See the listing on Craigslist:

23 Tons of Gravel

Rigged this up to help spread the gravel.

This is what 23 Tons of gravel looks like. The plan is to spread this as a base so that the driveway can eventually be paved. The going rate for driveway gravel is $25 / ton delivered.

Front of the house landscaping

Jessie is working on clearning the front so we can put a shrub and flower bed in.

Front steps still need to be fixed.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

10 More Yards of Dumpster : From the garage and around the yard...

Will be moving everything left in the garage up to the barn. The floor will be cleaned, coated and sealed with 2 part epoxy floor paint.

Garage is almost empty. Need to sell the tub and 2 sinks. Good Scrap. *FOR SALE*

Found a really old cargo van type roof by the barn, which is now in the dumpster. The roof had a ton of worms, and really good soil on it and under it.

Found a lot of miscellaneous items all around.